Thursday, March 23, 2006

Stupid Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen’s latest comments, that the attack on the World Trade Center was planned and executed by the United States government prove two things: he is an idiot and this is how the left in the US really thinks.  They can not be taken seriously.  Is it any wonder that Hollywood types are completely disregarded by those of us who have to live in the real world?  Try going to work and pretending to be the boss, you’ll get a chance to audition for another job pretty quickly.  Charlie’s friends, the Sarandons, are making a movie about Cindy Sheehan.  Obviously they are out of touch with the marketplace as such a film will be a financial disaster. (It probably won’t get made) although it might win a Golden Globe just for trying.
Let’s get back to the government conspiracy.  Why would the “government” of the United States want to perform such an act?  And if so why was the president so surprised?  Was this something that was planned during the Clinton administration?  The success of the attack depended on the incompetence of airline security and even the hijackers seemed surprised by their success.  Bin-Laden has actually admitted to planning the events and expressed his pleasure and surprise at the extent of the damage.  Hello Charlie, are you still taking so many drugs that you don’t have time to keep up with events?
The Left wing of the Democrat party is so bitter, and in such disarray that when the anger boils over stupid stuff comes out.  The citizens of the United States ain’t seen nothin’ yet if the Far Left has its way.  We will see the true American Gulag.  These people have no regard for anyone who disagrees with them.  They are like spoiled high school students; the mirror of society reflects only their image.  If you don’t believe me read their bumper stickers.  Every issue is reduced to its basic components and then only with a severe left twist.  These people are dangerous and not to be taken lightly.  They have no world perspective.

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