Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The New Serfdom

It appears that feudalism is making a comeback and in a most unlikely spot: The United States of America. The popular vote has ceded authority to at best Fabian Socialist and at worst Marxist Communist with some kind of voo doo culture attached. This is the result of slow, determined effort by the Soviet Union to export its totalitarian ideas to the rest of the world.

In 1959 Nikita Khruschev visited the US and while at an exhibition of technology declared "We will bury you!". He meant that communism would, however slowly, take over the governance of the United States. Many Americans were frightened by this statement because even then the society was beginning to lose its attachment to the values which had made the country great.

Probably the single most important cause of the decline of the United States has been the lingering effects of slavery. The treatment of the black population from the beginning has been a slow growing cancer that now threatens to completely destroy the country. Marxists have seen this and put it to good use. The initial problem of having other human beings as property in a nation with the aspirations that are put forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution has never been resolved. While the natural idea of family coherence was gradually eroded among the black population another more insidious cultural disease was encouraged.

When families are sold in separate parcels to different owners and people are subjected to physical and mental abuse the disintegration of the group and even individuals cannot be surprising. Once the problem of the Civil War was resolved and slavery abolished conditions were slow to change. De facto racial segregation was institutionalized by President Woodrow Wilson in the early 20th century. The official US government position until 1947 was that segregation was necessary. During this time the Democrat Party ruled the nation, as it does today.

At a time of economic crisis the Democrat Party of the 1930's began to emulate the Soviet Union a nation established in 1919. Academia around the world embraced Marxism as the panacea for government; thus denying the existence and properties of human nature. Another cancer had been loosed within US society. White guilt became the norm among intellectuals who were protected by tenure and wealth never needing to come to grips with reality.

Bigotry cannot be excused under any circumstances and neither can patronage. The Democrat Party destroyed the black family and forced a cultural segregation during the 1960's under the guise of promoting civil rights. The culture of dependency emerged at that time. The peculiar institution remains so today.

The United States was ripe for Marxist drift for an unexpected reason: its tremendous prosperity after World War II. Life in the US, up to then, had never been truly easy. Most of the population was eking out a living though there was always a small economic upper class. This class of citizen was generally well educated even the less capable finished a university degree.

After the War the citizenry were ready for a change, but it would be the "Baby Boomers" that would force it. While there parents were working the children, particularly the urban ones, were rebelling in mostly childish ways. Once this group began its university experience the Marxist culture of higher education was able to get a grip on most of them. This coupled with the so-called fairness impulse has made for a very destructive combination.

Again the 1960's saw the tremendous growth of welfare dependence in urban environs. The "families" got payments as long as there was no male living in the household. The home then became a mother and her children; often illegitimate. The role of black males became eroded and the father figure has disappeared. This is so pervasive that many black adults value their mothers tremendously and have no idea who or where their fathers are. This destructive behavior by government is still reverberating through society.

The simple examples of hip-hop, rap, and gangsta "music" is merely a form of self segregation. This segregation is to be expected once a group of people begin to realize that the largess of white politicians is really an attempt to continue to control black people. It has worked.

The education system in the US in pathetic when compared to expectations of excellence, but superior if the true desired result is a compliant citizenry. Today 90% of black voters choose the Democrat party and have for 40 years. Yet any examination of Democrat controlled states and cities reveals a miserable record if prosperity and social advancement is the goal. Every state in the Union controlled by Democrats, which is most of them, are in severe decline mirroring the nation as a whole.

The culture of dependence has dumbed down the desire to achieve social mobility; something the economic and political elites have discouraged from time immemorial. We are seeing the absolute corruption of the political system of the United States and are losing something that most likely will never be returned. The American population currently between being unborn and 40 years of age will be economic serfs for their entire lives. They will gradually descend to a poverty level unimagined by the optomistic self-reliant individuals that built the country.

Politicians have no desire to serve the nation; rather this class and those who aspire to it feel the nation should serve them. This is so obvious that it is painful.

Barack Obama recently stated that "Only the government has the resources to fix the economy". The government has no resources. The contract between the governors and the governed was originally the certain citizens would be trusted by the others to represent their interests and preserve the nation. Mostly the government was supposed to stay out of the way of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This quaint idea is dead, praised only in the abstract by the current ruling class.

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