Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Is there happiness?

Why do certain people succeed in professional selling and others fail?  The answer is fairly simple: to be successful at anything it must be something you would do for the fun of it.  Without oversimplifying the question personal satisfaction must be at the heart of any human activity.  A person considering the field of professional sales must make quite a few decisions first among which are : is problem solution something pleasurable, is meeting the needs of others enjoyable, is educating customers in the chosen field stimulating, integrity , a sense of humor, and a certain joie de vive are essential to success.

Anyone who answers positively to the above questions can not fail. Professional selling is one of the highest paid professions for a reason; it is difficult.  The same can be said for any profession because success requires constant learning, and commitment to excellence.  That may sound trite but think about how much excellence is found in everyday life.  There isn’t as much as one might think especially under close examination.  Many people work for the money instead of for the fun and life enhancing experiences work can bring.  Financial success is relatively easy to achieve, personal happiness is another thing altogether.

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